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Got Bad Breath? Dentist in Wayland Explains 5 Possible Causes

October 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 1:37 pm

A woman covering her mouth.Did your friend, family member or coworker recently try to get out of a conversation with you and you weren’t sure why? Does your diet consist largely of coffee, garlic, onions, dairy or fish? Do you often feel like your mouth is dry for seemingly no reason? If you answered yes to any of the following, chances are you have some unaddressed cause to your bad breath.

The next time someone tries to cover their nose when talking to you, take note of the following likely causes of bad breath as explained by a dentist in Wayland.

Consider Your At-Home Oral Care

To avoid dental disease as well as bad breath, it’s important that you first look at your oral care routine. Brushing should be performed at least twice a day for two minutes at a time and with fluoridated toothpaste. You should also be flossing once a day, making sure to reach the back teeth as well.

A common mistake people make is failing to brush their tongue, especially the back section. Purchase a tongue scraper or a toothbrush with a scrubbing portion on the back of the head. A majority of bad breath bacteria rests on the tongue, so cleaning it twice a day can make a big difference.

Change Your Diet

Do you start your day with two cups of coffee but don’t drink water during or afterwards? Coffee dries out the mouth, making it easier for bacteria to grow, develop, and stink up your oral cavity. Furthermore, examine the food you eat on a regular basis. If you regularly eat foods like dried fruit, garlic, fish, cheese, or dairy products in general, it can make your breath smell poor and stay that way throughout the day.

Is There an Underlying Condition?

Unfortunately, there are many underlying conditions that may be present if you have chronic bad breath. A few of these conditions include:

  • Ulcer bacteria
  • Common cold or sinus infection
  • Tonsil stones
  • Acid reflux
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay

While there’s no guarantee that bad breath is a result of these conditions, it’s important to tell a dentist so they can confirm the issue and either treat it or refer you to another doctor if needed.

Check Your Medication’s Symptoms

Did you know that over 400 different medications are known to inhibit saliva production? Saliva is incredibly important to not only preventing bad breath, but also flushing away food debris and bacteria. To combat this, make an effort to drink more water throughout the day. Purchase a large container to fill up daily and bring it with you to work and when out with friends and family.

Cut Out the Tobacco

It’s no secret that tobacco products are a direct cause of a plethora of diseases. However, you don’t have to be diagnosed to confirm that tobacco causes bad breath. It significantly dries out the mouth and even makes your clothes smell too. If you have trouble quitting your habit, tell the dentist so they can offer assistance or recommend an expert in tobacco addiction.

Bad breath is one of the most common conditions in the country, but you don’t have to live with it. Schedule an appointment with a Wayland dentist today to learn more from an expert!

About the Author

Dr. Michael A. Putt  is always working to help his patients achieve the best oral health possible. That means not just cleaning and examining their teeth and gums, but locating the source of long-term problems. To learn more about his preventive treatments and practice, you can contact him through his website.

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