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Can Invisalign in Wayland Improve Your Bite’s Alignment?

April 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:02 pm
A person holding a clear aligner.

For decades, Invisalign has been incredibly effective at solving multiple issues with people’s smiles, all without using unsightly or uncomfortable metal hardware. While fixing rotated teeth, crooked smiles and gaps are ideal for those looking to improve their smile’s appearance, it’s not the only benefit you can expect. Oral care becomes easier to maintain with fewer spots for plaque to collect, therefore reducing your risk of developing dental disease!

However, a common question people have about Invisalign in Wayland is whether it can fix their misaligned bite. Today, a dentist is prepared to go over these details and the benefits you can expect from a healthier bite.

How Can Invisalign Improve Your Bite?

In the past, Invisalign treatment would not be the best treatment to fix uneven bites. However, advancements in the technology have now made it a more ideal solution for this problem than ever before. As a result of these improvements, Invisalign is capable of fixing a wide array of bite problems, including:

  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites

With that said, Invisalign cannot treat all cases of an uneven bite. For example, a severely misaligned bite must be treated with traditional orthodontics, largely because Invisalign clear aligners don’t properly address back teeth in the way that traditional orthodontics do. In even more severe cases, misaligned bites require a full-blown headgear to resolve.

How a Better Bite Improves Oral Health

It cannot be understated how beneficial improving your bite can be, especially for your oral health. For one, an even bite lowers your risk of developing a teeth grinding habit. When the bite is uneven, nearby teeth can easily begin grinding up against each other every time you bite down. This can lead to enamel erosion, cracked teeth, and eventually cause a dental emergency and higher dental care costs.

Additionally, uneven bites and teeth grinding increase the risk of TMJ disorder, a condition where disproportionate amounts of force are applied throughout the mouth. This causes additional stress on the jaw joints connecting the jaw to the skull. When left untreated, this condition can lead to chronic jaw pain, headaches and migraines, earaches and a generally lower quality of life.

How Improving Your Bite Improves Overall Health

An uneven bite makes it more difficult for you to chew the foods you enjoy. As a result, food that is not processed properly doesn’t digest well enough. This puts additional stress on the digestive system. Furthermore, those with uneven bites are also more likely to develop breathing problems while sleeping, especially at a young age. The sooner jaw development can be corrected, the better.

While Invisalign cannot solve all bite problems, it can certainly solve more than you’d initially believe. If you have a question about Invisalign treatment, schedule an appointment with a dentist today!

About Wayland Dental

At Wayland Dental, you can get a number of dental issues treated all in one location. Whether you have a poor bite or crooked teeth, you can get started using Invisalign thanks to the expertise of Wayland Dental’s team. To learn more about treatment, you can contact the dentists via their website.

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